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samedi 4 mai 2013

Water : Health & Beauty Benefits

Water – Health and Beauty

When you are really really thirsty and you get everything else to drink other than water – will you be ok with it? According to me nothing can replace water even if it my favourite drink or even the drink had almost 80% water in it !!!!!! When I need water nothing can quench my thirst better than water and I guess most of us will agree on it. But do we drink water only when we feel thirsty – if yes then here I’ll list you more health and beauty reasons on why to drink water as much as you can. You could also have heard many celebrities declaring their beauty secrets, one among which would be – Drink heaps of water. Without delaying any further here is the most essential article for this summer – “Water for Health and Beauty”.

Water being available almost everywhere around us gets neglected by most of us, but there are certain things which only water can provide.
  • Drinking 8 glasses of water everyday can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 45%, bladder cancer by 50% and even the risk of breast cancer!!!!
  • Drinking heaps of water prevents the formation of stones in kidney.
  • Drinking water frequently helps clean the bladder and thus maintain the system without any major trouble.
  • Drinking heaps of water helps in maintaining the elasticity of the skin thus helps one to look young and fresh always.
  • Water can cure all kidney related problem if diagnosed in the early stages.
  • Regular water consumption prevents urinary infection.
  • Regular water intake has known to reduce all major skin problems including acne and even blemishes caused due to acne.
  • Drinking heaps of water is known to hydrate the system well thus giving glow and shine to the skin.
  • Shampoos and conditioners are not the only reason for a good healthy hair but also the water we use !! The more polluted the water, the lesser is the effect. Still many of my friends in Kerala use plain water to clean their hair and I have seen them having no hair problems at all !!!! In fact their hair is much longer and thicker and trouble free. All they use for their hair are Coconut Oil and water. Initially I never believed them but later I had to accept the truth.
  • Water intake in any form helps in good health [like coffee, tea and other drinks] but taking drinking water directly in heaps as such has proven to help us better.
A small test to see the effects of water – Drink 2-3 litres of water (minimum) everyday for 3 months and you can see visible results both health wise and also you can see your skin glowing without any problems !!!
Interesting Note – Water is the only product that can be consumed without any restrictions. Have you ever heard anyone say don’t drink excess water? The word ‘excess’ does not hold good when it comes to water, the more you take the more you are benefited.

1 commentaire:

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